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Oriental wedding jewelry for an unforgettable day

DIBANOO – A sparkle of love: Oriental wedding jewelry for an unforgettable day In the world of DIBANOO, where emotions meet handmade brilliance, the wedding day becomes a living fairy tale. We immerse ourselves in the timeless beauty of oriental wedding jewelry that not only shines, but also tells stories of love, tradition and unforgettable […]

Oriental jewelry

Welcome to DIBANOO – elegance that tells stories Welcome to the world of DIBANOO, where beauty lies not only in the brilliance of the gemstones, but also in the stories that our jewelry tells. Here at DIBANOO, we understand that jewelry is more than just accessories – they are works of art that interweave emotion, […]

Shaane (The Comb) Collection by Sara Razmi

Shaane Collection The comb collection was designed with a modern and contemporary approach to the objects. Especially the comb, which is depicted as a poetic element due to its close relationship to the hair. An image that could only be transformed into a new object through art. And only then, together with love and inner […]

Shams-ol-Emareh Collection by Sara Razmi

Shams-ol-Emareh Collection by Sara Razmi Shams-ol-Emareh (Building of the Sun) is the most impressive building in the Golestan Palace. The idea of constructing a tall building came to Nasser-ol-Din-Shah before his first trip to Europe and from pictorial representations of European buildings. The king wanted a structure from which he could have a panoramic view […]


Story DIBANOO Erich, an accessory of the world, is more than our imagination. Thousands of years ago, before it was a beauty product, it was used as an accessory to indicate people’s class and social status … sometimes by painting the face, sometimes by carving natural parts such as bone and wood … Accessories have […]

Story-Baloochi HAndarbeit

Story-Baloochi handicraft Baluchi or Baloochi style describes a range of specific types of handicrafts made by women from the Iranian province of Sistan & Baloochestan. These creative works by the Balooch banoos (ladies) have a UNESCO seal of authenticity and are also included in the country’s list of spiritual heritage

Tehran Summer Collection

Tehran Summer Collection (Tashtak) by Sara Zarmi I walk through the summer streets of Tehran, my beloved city that smells of life. Container with water and ice full of ZamZam and Abali. The mesmerizing sound of the soda bottle opening and the bottle cap being flung into the air and falling to the ground, and […]